Powerful E-Commerce Apps for Webflow

Try out Monto Reviews, Abandoned Cart Recovery, Simple Subscriptions, Affiliates, Multi-Currency and CRM!

More to come 🥳️

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a mockup example of a Monto review widget for an e-commerce product

Apps to supercharge your Ecommerce store, à la carte.

reviews webflow app

Easy and customizable product review widgets built natively. Manage and display reputation.

abandoned cart recovery webflow app

Recapture lost revenue by automatically tracking and recovering abandoned carts and checkouts. See a ~10% lift in sales.

Subscriptions Webflow App

Offer simple subscriptions to your customers from within Webflow, alongside your other products.

affiliates webflow app

Create a new revenue stream for your shop by incentivizing your fans to find you more fans.

multi-currency converter webflow app

Automatically translate prices to your shoppers' home currencies.

crm webflow app

See your business in a customer-centric dashboard.

Analytics Dashboard for Webflow Ecommerce Stores

Analytics Dashboard

Get up-to-date stats and analytics for your E-commrce store. We track revenue over time, average order value, your most popular products, and more!

We know this is something every e-commerce site needs, so we're giving it away for FREE! 🥳

See Your Stats


Collect, manage and display on your eCommerce and CMS sites.

Nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. Even having just five reviews can boost sales 270%. (source)

See Review Layouts
Preview of the reviews widget app for Webflow ecommerce products
Preview of the Abandoned Carts Recovery App Email for Webflow Ecommerce Products

Abandoned Cart Recovery

75% of sales online are lost to abandoned carts 🤯️

Automatically recover lost sales with a customizable, automated sequence of Abandoned Cart Recovery emails to customers.

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Simple Subscriptions

Offer simple subscriptions to your customers from within Webflow, alongside your other products.

Turn one-off sales into monthly ongoing revenue.

Check it out
Example of a subscription product in Webflow shop
Screenshot of affiliate dashboard for webflow shops

Affiliates & Referrals

Turn your fans into your sales team! There is no better sales funnel than your own enthusiastic customers.

Monto Affiliates is the easiest way for e-commerce shops to setup affiliate and referral programs.

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See your shop from a customer centric point of view. Learn how each person has interacted with your shop with customer info, carts, orders, reviews, lifetime value, and more!

Segment your customers with advanced filters to better target them.

Check it out
CRM Software for Webflow shops
Branded customer portal for Webflow ecommerce

Customer Portal (FREE Beta)

Give your customers a branded portal to see their past order history, track shipments, review orders, and start earning money referring their friends! We've also added shop announcements, file downloads, and more.

Our portal integrates seamlessly with all Monto apps to give you an all-in-one solution out of the box.

See All Features

How our customers are using Monto

quote marks
Sifter logo

Monto has been an incredible tool to give patients a voice. It has enabled Sifter Health to get a competitive edge in telemedicine by allowing patients to leave reviews of their experience with a provider.

SifterHealth uses Monto to....

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Nalen logo

Monto's review service has been invaluable to us at Nalen Ayurveda, we have been using since we launched last year. It's extremely easy to use, and the team at Monto are always extremely helpful and great to work with. We are super happy!

SifterHealth uses Monto to....

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Rullus logo

Monto's great products consolidate our marketing stack and maximise our sales. Awesome customer experience, too. We’re all in.

SifterHealth uses Monto to....

All apps come with a FREE trial
and low-priced entry plan.


Free Trial?

Starting at

Abandoned Cart Recovery

Free for your first 3 recoveries



Free for your first 5 Affiliate sales





Currency Converter

Free for 14 days


Customer Portal



Loyalty & Referrals

Free for 14 days
FREE for < 100 orders/mo



Free forever on staging domain! 14 day free trial on production


Simple Subscriptions

Free for your first 5 subscriptions!


Social Proof



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